Enhanced commenting webpart using SPFx

Hi Friends, today I am gonna show you one of the SPFx components developed by me.

I hope, all the SharePoint users and developers are aware of the comment box in the modern page. The comments are tied to the page and are stored as metadata to the page. There are some features like a reply to the comment, likes etc., But there are some features missing in the comment box which may be required for the customers. One of my clients had asked for the feature of uploading files to the comment box.

Based on the above use case and with many features, I took an initiative to develop an advanced comment box that can be used by switching off the out-of-box comment box. The custom comment box can be added to a page and once it is saved as a template, based on the template the page created will inherit the comment box. All the comments are stored in a separate list with the 'Page Title' and 'Page URL' as a key to the page comments.

The component was developed using SPFx version 1.9.1 and the following are the features of the advance comments box.

  • Classification of comments by Popular, Newest, Oldest,Attachments
  • Users shall be upload files. File size and allowed file types are configurable.
  • Edit their own comments, Reply (nested comments), Like & Delete (own comments until there is no reply) options are available based on the configuration.
  • Hashtag & Ping Users
  • Document Preview is also available for all office documents and videos based on the configuration.
  • Display of New icon for the current day comments.

The above component has been uploaded to the sp-dev-fx-webparts community. Click here to access the code.

Below is the demo to the component.

Happy coding, Cheers 😃


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